Towny Commands


Shows basic Towny commands.

  • ? – Shows more Towny commands.

  • map – Shows the Towny map.

  • prices – Shows taxes/costs associated with running a town.

  • time – Shows time until next new-day (tax/upkeep collection.)

  • top residents (all/town/nation) – Shows top residents.

  • top land (all/resident/town) – Shows top land owners.


Shows the /plot commands.

  • ? – Shows more plot commands.

  • claim – Resident command to claims a plot

  • claim auto – claim plots that are for sale

  • unclaim – Resident command to unclaim personally owned plots.

  • unclaim circle/rect – unclaim owned plots in a circle or rectangle shape.

  • unclaim (# (radius around current position)) – Radius of area to unclaim.

  • forsale/fs [amt] – Set a plot for sale.

  • forsale/fs circle/rect – Set a shape.

  • forsale/fs (# (radius around current position)) – Radius of area to set forsale.

  • notforsale/nfs – Set a plot to not be for sale.

  • set reset – Sets a shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot back to a normal plot.

  • set shop – Sets a plot to a shop plot.

  • set embassy – Sets a plot to an embassy plot.

  • set arena – Sets a plot to an arena plot.

  • set wilds – Sets a plot to a wilds plot.

  • set inn – Set a plot to an inn plot.

  • set name – allows a mayor or plot-owner to rename plots they own, overwriting the ~Unowned message.

  • perm – Shows the permission of the plot that the player is standing on

  • set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (on/off)

  • set perm (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)

  • set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)

  • set perm reset – Resets the plot in which you are standing on to the original perms

  • toggle

  • toggle fire – Turn on/off firespread in the plot in which you stand. Please note this will have no effect, as firespread is disabled serverwide.

  • toggle pvp – Turn on/off pvp in the plot in which you stand.

  • toggle explosion – Turn on/off explosions in the plot in which you stand.

  • toggle mob – Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in the plot in which you stand.


Shows a player their resident screen.

  • ? – Shows /res commands available.

  • (resident) – Shows a player another player’s resident screen.

  • friend add (resident) – Resident adds online player to their friends list.

  • friend add+ (resident) – Resident adds offline player to their friends list.

  • friend remove (resident)– Resident removes online player from their friends list.

  • friend remove+ (resident)– Resident removes offline player from their friends list.

  • friend clearlist – Removes all friends from a resident’s friend list.

  • toggle map – Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.

  • toggle townclaim – Turns on mode where /town claim is automatically used when moving across plot borders.

  • toggle plotborder – Turns on smokey plot-border view. Border shows when players cross to different townblocks.

  • toggle reset – This turns off all modes that are active.

  • set perm (friend/ally/outsider) (on/off)

  • set perm (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)

  • set perm (friend/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)

  • set perm reset – This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.


Shows a player their town’s town screen.

  • ? – Shows /town commands available.

  • (town) – Shows a player another town’s town screen.

  • here – Shows you the town screen of the town in which you stand.

  • leave – Leaves a town.

  • list (page #) – Lists towns.

  • plots (townname) – Shows a helpful list of plots and their types/revenue which are owned by the town.

  • new (townname) – Creates new town.

  • delete - Deletes your town

  • add (resident) – Mayor command to add residents to your town.

  • kick (resident) – Mayor command to remove residents from your town.

  • spawn – Teleports you to your town’s spawn.

  • spawn (town) – Teleports you to another town’s spawn. This town will need to be in your nation.

  • claim – claims the townblock in which you are standing on

  • claim outpost – Claims an outpost for your town.

  • claim (# (radius around current position)) – Claims an area of townblocks around you

  • claim auto – Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible given Money in townbank and available townblocks.

  • unclaim – Mayor command to unclaim the townblock in which you stand.

  • unclaim all – Mayor command to unclaim all townblocks.

  • unclaim (# (radius around current position)) – Command to unclaim an area of townblocks around you.

  • withdraw ($) – Removes money from town bank.

  • deposit ($) – Adds money from player to the town bank.

  • outpost

  • ranklist – Displays residents and their ranks.

  • rank (add|remove) (playername) (rankname) – Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.

  • reslist – See a full list of residents in your town.

  • set board (message) – Sets message seen by residents upon logging in.

  • set mayor (resident) – Mayor command to give mayor status to another resident.

  • set homeblock – Sets the homeblock and spawn of your town.

  • set spawn – Sets the town spawn, must be done inside the homeblock.

  • set name (name) – Change your town’s name.

  • set outpost – Sets a townblock as an outpost.

  • set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (on/off)

  • set perm (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)

  • set perm (resident/ally/outsider) (build/destroy/switch/itemuse) (on/off)

  • set perm reset – This takes the perm line seen in the /town screen and applies it to all plots owned by the town.

  • toggle mobs – Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in town.

  • toggle public – Turn on/off the co-ordinates of the town’s homeblock in the /town screen.

  • toggle pvp – Turn on/off pvp in town.


Shows a player their nation’s nation screen.

  • ? – Shows /nation commands.

  • list {page #} – Lists Nations.

  • online – Shows players in your nation which are online.

  • (nation) – Shows a player the /nation screen of another nation.

  • leave – Mayor command to leave the nation they are a part of.

  • withdraw {$} – King command to remove money from the nation bank.

  • deposit {$} – King command to add money to the nation bank.

  • new (nationname) – Mayor command to create a nation.

  • add (town) – Invites/Adds a town to your nation.

  • kick (town) – Removes a town from your nation.

  • delete – Deletes your nation.

  • ally add (nation) – Add a nation to your nation’s ally list.

  • ally remove (nation) – Removes a nation from your nation’s ally list.

  • enemy add (nation) – Add a nation to your nation’s enemy list.

  • enemy remove (nation) – Removes a nation from your nation’s enemy list.

  • rank {add|remove} {playername} {rankname} – Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the nation.

  • set king {resident} – King command to change the king of the nation.

  • set capital {town} – Sets the capitol and king of the nation.

  • set name {name} – Sets the nation’s name.

Last updated